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At the heart of our ministry is the desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and our community. We believe that through faith, compassion, and service, we can spread hope and love to those who need it most. But we can’t do it alone—we need your help to continue this mission!

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Your donation is more than just a gift; it’s an investment in the lives of those we serve. Every contribution helps us empower and equip pioneer pastors, providing them with the tools and resources they need to grow their ministries and serve their communities effectively. With your support, we can expand our outreach and continue to be a beacon of light in our community.

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Your generosity fuels our mission and spreads hope where it’s needed most. Together, we can continue to uplift, encourage, and change lives for the better. Thank you for your kindness, compassion, and support. ❤️

An Inspirational Challenge

I am writing to raise awareness of the need for new Conservative Holiness-Pentecostal church plants and to appeal for support for struggling pioneer works. It is important that we rescue dying churches and that we reach new areas with the gospel truth found in God’s word. We have a goodly heritage in the Conservative Holiness-Pentecostal movement that should be shared with a world ignorant of God’s ways and will. Over the years that I have been in the work of the Lord, I have known of many churches in the holiness movement that have closed their doors, sold their property, and ended the holiness witness in that area. There have been many more that have abandoned the holiness message, changed directions, and let the light of holiness die out in that church and that geographical area. It grieves me to see the holiness message no longer available in communities where it once thrived. I think it is time to reclaim lost territory and launch into new territory with zeal and hope of rescuing souls and glorifying our Savior.

The Conservative Holiness-Pentecostal churches are scarce across this country in comparison to other religious groups. We hardly register on the radar of religious groups in the United States. A single mega church will run more people on a Sunday morning than we can assemble in our largest campmeetings. The Baptist churches will number more in one city than we can count in the whole state. There are whole states where, if Conservative Holiness-Pentecostal churches exist, we do not know of them. There is plenty of territory out there needing the Conservative Holiness-Pentecostal witness. I think we have a message that is worth spreading, and I want to challenge us to make new church plants a priority. We must seek to spread the message of holiness into areas where it has never taken root or where it has died out over time. Jesus told us to pray the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into the harvest fields. For there to be new works, there must be a vision, a burden, and a calling. No one is likely to endure the hardships of starting a new work unless they know they are working in the will of God. Hearing the divine clarion call and being committed to the call is essential to building a work for God. Not all preachers are cut out to be pioneer preachers, but surely there are preachers among us who are capable and willing to be used by God to lay the foundation for a new work in a new area and spend their life building on that foundation. Pioneer works are not only a means of spreading the kingdom of God, they provide fresh blood for the holiness movement. They enlarge our fellowship and spread the message of truth beyond our current borders of influence.

Pioneer works need the support of established churches. Every church was established by someone at some point in the past. The members enjoy the fruit of someone’s sacrifice to begin a new work. It should be the goal of every established church to be the means of supporting a new work. If there is a pioneer work near your church, you can help that church get established by faithfully attending their revival efforts, helping with the  expenses of revival efforts, praying for the success of the pioneer work, and offering the resources of the established church in helping with essential needs.

The pioneer pastor has many disappointments and discouragements to deal with. It takes time to build a consistent body of believers. The attendance can fluctuate from weekend to weekend when there is not much room for fluctuation. When there is only a handful of attendees, one family missing can be a blow to morale. The pioneer pastor needs the support and encouragement of other pastors in the area. He is on the front lines and enlarging the boundaries of the Conservative Holiness-Pentecostal movement. Don’t write him off because his flock is few. Zechariah 4:10, says, “For who hath despised the day of small things?” God is able to produce a thriving church from one striving to stay alive. The pioneer church and pastor are important to our movement. Let’s give them our support and appreciation, and encourage any among us who has a burden to begin a new work for the Lord.

Written by
Rev. William Preskitt